CCDB, his books and his purpose

How to buy time for reading CCDB books (movies) - see or download the demonstration movies to your computer!

                             COVERS OF GÉA











Cláudio César Dias Baptista - CCDB invites here all specialists to analyze the books of his authorship and produce their criticisms. The books "Géa", ")que(" and "Geínha" are written in Portuguese and published only in this site, CCDB Livros section; the book "We, Mutantes", written in English is not yet published.

Géa is in the English Wikipedia

Cláudio César Dias Baptista is in the English Wikipedia

Cláudio César Dias Baptista - CCDB
Cláudio César Dias Baptista (CCDB) was born in São Paulo - SP, Brazil, on May 6, 1945, son of César Dias Baptista (writer, poet, singer and journalist) and Clarisse Leite Dias Baptista (piano composer, concert artist and professor - see "Clarisse Leite" in Wikipédia).

In his youth, CCDB was amateur astronomer, member of the Associação de Amadores de Astronomia de São Paulo (A.A.A.S.P.), where he was one of the directors of the Cinema Department, which he founded with his classmate Rafael Vilardi, operated the sound in the Planetarium and manufactured telescopes, including their mirrors and lenses and presented the sky and scientific films to the visitors of Planetário do Ibirapuera - the first Zeiss number two Planetarium in the world besides the original in the Zeiss factory. He was also a model aircraft maker.

Cláudio César Dias Baptista (CCDB) was the founder (with the owner, Leonardo Bellonzi) of EDITELE - Editora Técnica Eletrônica, publisher of Nova Eletrônica Magazine (65,000 issues/month) distributed by Editora Abril in all Portuguese speaking countries during the decade 1977 - 1987, where he published hundreds of pages of his own articles, atricles of other authors and technical books.

CCDB is also known as the founder, with Raphael Vilardi, of the most important rock musical group from Brazil, named "Os Mutantes" (or simply "Mutantes"), with his brothers Arnaldo Baptista and Sérgio Dias, and with Rita Lee. Mutantes recorded several LP and CDs and played in many countries, for example, in the theater Olympia de Paris.

CCDB has a technical diplom Honoris Causa in electronics, given by CREA, a government department in Brazil.

CCDB was an Audio Engineering Society (AES) Member ("Member" is a degree normally given to audio engineers) and in Brazil is still known as "The Pope of Audio".

CCDB studied business administration in the Escola de Administração de Empresas da Fundação Getúlio Vargas em São Paulo (EAESP-FGV) and directed several enterprises.

CCDB became famous for manufacturing musical instruments, and the best known instrument is the "Golden Guitar", in Portuguese "Guitarra de Ouro", about which several articles were published in journals and magazines, as you may find searching the web.

CCDB manufactured audio products during many years, until 1994, to the most important musical groups, churches, theatres and musicians - there are still several CCDB products in use in musical groups, churches, theatres, etc., and the people who own these products doesn't sell them at any price. You may download the video (479.75MB) and see CCDB in action during the demonstration of the audio console CCDB 44 in the legendary "VÍDEO CCDB 44".

To dedicate himself only to write books, CCDB put aside his work in audio and does not manufacture any product now nor accept consultations about audio or electronics.

To publish himself his books, the book in co-authorship with his son Rafael Borges Dias Baptista (RDB) and the RDB chess small book, CCDB studied and learned PHP language and developed the CCDB Livros active section of his site, where these books can be read today.

CCDB is now a writer, with several books, which he published only for on-line reading in his site, CCDB Livros section.

The main opus from CCDB is "Géa", with twelve text books, each with 250 pages and one glossary-dictionary, with 1,000 pages. In "Géa" CCDB has twice the lexicon of William Shakespeare in all his opera and six times the lexicon of Camões in "Os Lusíadas": thirty thousand words (1). Among several stories, "Géa" tells the history of Clausar, a mystic in his search for Light, and in his voyages among the stars, the galaxies and beyond.

"Géa" tells also the story of Clausar in the search of Ansata, the greatest dancer of the Universe, which Clausar didn't know that was his daughter named Ky, who was token from him with only two years old. Clausar falls in love when he sees Ansata dancing in a theatre of his planet and searching for her, he discovers a Mystical Order, who has the power to bring him to the outer space in the search of Ansata, cruising several solar systems in the Telaria Constelation. One of the stars of that constelation is Delta Telariae (in the extraterrestrian language), which is our Sun. In the planet Tridelta (our Earth) he finally reaches Ansata... and Clausar discovers that she is his daughter Ky.

There are described mystic experiments of Clausar which are in fact the ones of CCDB. There are described also inventions which can work if created in laboratories, as the "Ionomag", an ionic and magnectic propeller. CCDB published Géa himself for on-line reading (today only possible in Brazil because the means of payment for the reading, via "PagSeguro", is limited to that country) in his site,, CCDB Livros section.

One of the remarkable characteristics of "Géa" is its sonority. Dedicated to sound and music for many years CCDB created an opus wich has some real metrified and formatted poetry, but is mainly prose; and its prose in many places (where the sentiment suggests) subtlely changes to poetry, to which the ear habituates itself and the Reader doesn't note that he/she is reading already metrified and very sonorous poetry.

CCDB wrote also "Geínha", for children and teenagers, with twelve volumes of 250 pages each (and no dictionary). "Geínha" was written under the model of a fairy tale... but without fairies! Some of the characters came from "Géa" opus, but "Geínha" is not a resume of "Géa": it is a completely different story.

CCDB wrote also the book named ")que(" for adults, with one 301 pages volume, where are told the adventures of Clestis, Delícia and Delcles. Clestis discovers a Portal in the mirror of his bathroom and from that start point he does journeys with the Spirit of the Bathroom (a facetions name for somebody which is in fact a superior Entity).

CCDB wrote also "CCDB - Gravação Profissional", with one 1,010 pages volume, a technical book in co-authorship with his son Rafael Borges Dias Baptista (RDB). This technical book was illustrated by RDB.

CCDB ilustraded himself with his 3D characters the books "Géa" and "Geínha" - more than one thousand illustrations (62 illustrations in each of the twelve text volumes of each opus). CCDB created all the covers for his books.

The whole of the books from CCDB have, today, 3,455 characters and cannot be labeled in any category. These books have literature, fiction, mysticism, romance, sci-fi, inventions, drama, tragedy, comedy, fantasy, sex, drugs, war, peace, etc.

CCDB also wrote, IN ENGLISH, a book which is not published in his site nor anywhere. That book is "We, Mutantes" and tells the story of the Mutantes (or "Os Mutantes") group from the perspective of the insider that CCDB is. Several books were published in Brazil about Mutantes, as "A Divina Comédia dos Mutantes", from Carlos Calado, but none from the insider point of view.

CCDB is also looking for a publisher for "We, Mutantes", which English must be corrected by the editor (this own page, written by CCDB as if he was telling the story of another person, is a sample of CCDB's - my - "English").

Although CCDB published his books (in perfect Portuguese language) in his site for on-line reading only, he is looking for a publisher to publish his books in Brazil, in the Portuguese speaking countries and (if translated by the publisher) in all countries of the world.

Today CCDB is also a great success, as a writer and an illustrator, in the fashion site, where he creates looks, under which looks he writes resumes of the stories of his books. The work of CCDB in the world of fashion is directed to divulge his work as a writer and to demonstrate for the publishers that, if his texts and characters are a great success in the world of fashion, they will be also if published in printed books.

It's easy to see the work of CCDB in byMK: search "CCDB" and his page appears, where in the "looks" link his more than (today) 400 looks with beautiful texts will be seen and with great comments about his work.

CCDB is also a mystic; he reached directly the contact with God, without religions, priests, intermediaries. The opus "Géa" tells the adventures of several protagonists, and the mystical experiences of the own author are told as if they were the experiences of his character Clausar. There is also sex, incest, violence, war and poetry in CCDB opus.

In the opus "Géa", CCDB presents the "bio-relativity" (biorrelatividade) as a theory of his protagonist named Clausar. Where "bio" is for "life" and "relativity" has not the acceptation as in the Einstein theories, but signifies "relationship between living beings".

The bio-relativity says that everything in the Universe is alive, including elementary particles, atoms, molecules, cells and multicellular organisms. When, recently (many years after "Géa" was written and registered), scientists synthesized a cell, they didn't created "life", because life already exists in the elements which were utilized to produce that cell.

Bio-relativity says that the main purpose of all entities (all above, including particles) is "to relate more for exist more".

To relate is "good"; to "unrelate" (desrelacionar) is bad. For example: a man and a woman relates one with the other and produces a baby: That's good, because augments the relationships in the Universe - which causes happyness. Somebody kills the baby: That's bad because reduces the existing relationships - which causes sadness.

From bio-relativity it's possible to extract (and the author does extracts) a new ethics: Beings who relates more are more ''valuable'' than beings who relates less - that's why humans kill vegetables and animals to eat with not so great consternation as when killing other humans.

The author allerts against bad using of the concept of bio-relativity when applied to human beings - there are not any superiority of race, creed, etc. suggested in bio-relativity.

The concept is useful in creating better scales of values for determining responsabilities, degrees in schools and hierarchy in any group or enterprise. And bio-relativity is also good for philosophers to think about.

The bio-relativity says that even the elementary particles have "will": The will of relate more to exist more. So, the bio-relativity augments (not colliding with) the Darwin Theory of Evolution, accepting someting more than "chance" (acaso) to promote the evolution of beings. The "will" in particles is "to relate more" in form of attraction or repulsion; the "will" in the cell is to relate more with the Universe - that's the cause for the development of the senses, as vision, earing, and others and the specialization of cells in the multicellular organisms; the will in human beings everybody knows (I hope...) what is.

The possible nonsense of the words "to exist more" is also discuted in opus "Géa".

The bio-relativity also explains, in another way, added to the Darwin's theory (but including "chance" as one of the ways), why a butterfly can produce the image of an owl - and not the image of a politician... in his wings; why the cobra can produce an specific poison to kill the prey; and how the bee and the flower adapts themselves to each other.

The total of CCDB's opus has 3,455 characters. "Géa", the main opus of CCDB has 1,267 characters. Among these characters:

Clausar, extraterrestrian from planet Géa.
Gia, wife of Clausar.
, son of Clausar and Gia.

Ky, the greatest dancer of the Universe and daughter from the first marriage of Clausar.
Ra-El, the best friend of Clausar and superior starship fighter pilot.

Geárion, Being of Light, and "Ky Único de espécie (Only Soul of a species)".
Tóxia, the "telária" of the mortal poison.
Posenk, the bio-computer who acquired life.
Talia, the girl which is in the dreams of Rá.
Terrar, the terrestrian.
Géa, the feminine part of the One - in the last chapter of "Géa".
Géo (God), the masculine part of the One - in the last chapter of "Géa".

CCDB is also a musician. You may download from his site the "Tema dos Seres de Luz" (Theme of the Beings of Light) from his site (see the direct link for the composition page below). CCDB wrote the lyrics in the extraterrestrial idiom "teruzês"; so, the song has a title in that idiom: "Tárky fros Gédos fre Géon". CCDB composed the song also, in Cubase 5. His main purpose as musician today is to divulgue his books.

CCDB created in 3DStudio MAX and Autocad all the more than one thousand illustrations and all the covers for his books. You may see these works in his site,

See, please, the vast site of the author,, for reading (in Portuguese) the reportings in several important Brazilian magazines and journals about his life. The reportings you may read (in Portuguese) utilizing the links in this page:

Cláudio César Dias Baptista (CCDB) is in the En Wiki (English Wikipedia)
The page in En Wiki was created by another person, not by the own CCDB:

Géa is in the En Wiki (English Wikipedia)
The page in En Wiki was created by another person, not by the own CCDB:

Cláudio César Dias Baptista (CCDB) is in the Pt Wikipédia
The page in Wikipédia was created by another person, not by the own CCDB:áudio_César_Dias_Baptista

The Golden Guitar (Guitarra de Ouro) you may see also in Wikipédia:

CCDB plays on-stage with the other Mutantes and with Gilberto Gil during a Brazilian Pop Music (MPB) festival (TV Record). All the Instruments (including the bass) were manufactured by CCDB:

VIDEO ANIMATION by CCDB: “Ky dança a Música da Armadeira 5.1 (Ballet Phoneutria)” - ©CCDB 2015 all from one author: history, book, symphony, coreography and computer graphics animation in 5.1 audio (six channel)
Ky dança a Música da Armadeira 5.1 (Ballet Phoneutria)

VIDEO ANIMATION by CCDB: “Ky dança a Música da Armadeira (Ballet Phoneutria)” - ©CCDB 2015 all from one author: history, book, symphony, coreography and computer graphics animation
Ky dança a Música da Armadeira (Ballet Phoneutria)

VIDEO ANIMATION by CCDB: “Ky dança a Sinfonia em roKy” - ©CCDB 2015 all from one author: history, book, symphony, coreography and computer graphics animation
Ky dança a Sinfonia em roKy

VIDEO ANIMATION by CCDB: “Ky dances Proust Remembered” FULL HD


Minimum Summary of the opus Géa


Música da Mão 5.1 (Music of the Hand 5.1 version - six channel audio)
Música da Mão 5.1

Música da Mão (Music of the Hand)
Música da Mão

Tema de Géa (Theme of Géa) Tárky fre Géa

Tema dos Seres de Luz (Theme of the Beings of Light)
Tárky fros Gédos fre Géon

Tema dos Seres Sapientes (Theme of the Sapient Beings)
Tárky fros Gédos fre Géon

Tema dos Seres Submétricos (Theme of the Submetric Beings)
Tárky fros Gédos Subtrezêmbicos

Tema das Partículas Subatômicas Viventes (Theme of the Subatomic Living Particles)
Tárky fros Gédons Gédios

Easy and organized access for the pages on the author's site: Links para as páginas mais visitadas (links for the most visited pages) - some pages in English.

Suggestions (in English) from the author for the making of several feature films from the content of opus "Géa": When Géa is filmed.



(1) The Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary "Novo Dicionário Aurélio Eletrônico - versão 5" and previous versions, in the entry "Léxicon", confirms the lexicon (total words utilized by a writer in his opus) of William Shakespeare: 15,000 words. From the "Livro Treze" (glossary-dictionary of the opus "Géa") and from the own opus "Géa" it's easy to discover that the CCDB's lexicon in "Géa" is 30,000 words - twice the lexicon of William Shakespeare in all his opera. Here is an excerpt from the "Novo Dicionário Aurélio Eletrônico" dictionary: [" 'O léxicon de Shakespeare, não obstante os seus quinze mil vocábulos, parece não possuir expressões bastantes' ...(as quais)... 'frisassem à sua vasta ideologia.' (Camilo Castelo Branco, Otelo, o Mouro de Veneza, p. 10.).".]! It's also easy to discover from the preface of Camões' "Os Lusíadas" that his léxicon is 6,000 words in that opus. Quantity is not always synonim of quality; so, you are invited to read "Géa" and the others books of CCDB and RDB to compare the quality with the quantity.


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